Laser Ray

pyrokinetic laser ray iconAP3

Line of intese heat that deals 150% Fire Damage to characters and leaves fire clouds behind.

special divinity original sin 2 Set Burning for 2 turn(s).

Damage is based on your level and receives a bonus from Intelligence.

properties divinity original sin2 icon Requires Pyrokinetic 2cldwn3
properties divinity original sin2 icon Costs 1 Memory
properties divinity original sin2 icon Range 20m

pyrokinetic skill s Pyrokinectic

Laser Ray is a Pyrokinetic Skill in Divinity Orginal Sin 2.



Laser Ray Spell Book Location

  • Trader Ovis (central market) - Driftwood
  • Trader Friel (Elf Market, to the East of the Cathedral Entrance) - Arx



Laser Ray Requirements



Notes and Tips

  • Scroll crafted by combine Sheet of Paper, High Quality Fire Essence, and Nails
  • Resisted by Magical Armour magic armour icon




Divinity Original Sin 2 Builds: Occult Flamewielder


Divinity Original Sin 2 Builds: Battlemage




Pyrokinectic Skills
Bleed Fire  ♦  Corpse Explosion  ♦  Deploy Mass Traps  ♦  Epidemic Of Fire  ♦  Fire Whip  ♦  Fireball  ♦  Firebrand  ♦  Flaming Crescendo  ♦  Flaming Tongues  ♦  Haste  ♦  Ignition  ♦  Infectious Flame  ♦  Mass Corpse Explosion  ♦  Mass Sabotage  ♦  Master Of Sparks  ♦  Meteor Shower  ♦  Peace of Mind  ♦  Sabotage  ♦  Searing Daggers  ♦  Sparking Swings  ♦  Spontaneous Combustion  ♦  Summon Fire Slug  ♦  Supernova  ♦  Throw Explosive Trap



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